From single properties right up to large portfolios, our Buy to Let mortgages are designed to meet the needs of all types of landlords.
Manage your rental property in the way that works for you, whether that's privately in your own name or through a Limited Company.
We’re an award-winning mortgage lender with a heritage of over 25 years. Our team of highly trained
underwriters look at your circumstances with an open mind and because we don't just rely on automated processes to make our lending decisions, we can be more flexible when it comes to looking at your application.
We go out of our way to make borrowing for landlords as easy as we can and that’s why with Kensington, there are:
Whether you’re building a nest egg, or you already have a property portfolio, we’re here to help if you:
Take a look at our range of Buy to Let
mortgages to find the one that could suit
you – from our cashback eKo mortgage
for landlords buying a property with an
energy efficiency rating of A, B or C to
mortgages for landlords who want to buy
a house of multiple occupancy.